$1788.00 Collected for 2022 GWFUSBC BVL Tournament!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our 1st ever virtual tournament to benefit Bowlers to Veterans Link (BVL). We used league scores during the week (14-18 November) and it turned out to be a great success.  We ended up with 128 entries across 10 leagues at both Village Bowl and Sheppard AFB South Lanes.  Half of all the entry fees go to the Prize fund which ended up at $640.00 (will be paying out 21 places), the other half will go straight to BVL along with an additional $1148.00 donated during the sign up period for a grand total donation of $1788.00.  See the link below for standings.  We should have prize checks out within the next 2 weeks.

Thanks again to everyone who helped make this charity drive successful!

1st Place goes to:  Jose Munoz, Tuesday Mixed League, Ave: 202, G1 279, G2 248, G3 232, Hdcp 75, Total 834 

2022 GWFUSBC Charity BVL Tournament Standings

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