Team Git-R-Done wasn’t done with awards on the Tuesday Mixed League. They also had a fantastic night last year on the Thursday Night Mixed League. On 3/24/2022 they put together an outstanding 1028 pins scratch to win 1st place in the 1-Man, 3-Women Team Game. But they still were not done. They went on that same night to put together a team series of 2835 to also win 1st place in the 1-Man, 3-Women Team Series. Congratulations, Mark Duprey, Kathy Duprey, Madison Kasza, and Amanda Scott!
Category: Achievement
USBC Top Team Recognition
USBC annually recognizes the top score in each category of the Top Team Scores.
Last Years 1st place Top Team Score for 2-Men, 2-Women Series with a 2978 bowled on 04/12/2022 goes to Team Git-R-Done from the Tues Mixed League out at Sheppard AFB.
Mark Duprey 711
Jordan Kasza 722 (Not Pictured)
Ray Johnson 821
Madison Kasza 724 (Not Pictured)
Amanda Scott – 784
Amanda Scott had a good night with games of 253, 278, and 253 for a sweet 784 series. Nice Bowling Amanda!
Sent in my Kathy Duprey.
Got a high score or a notable achievement to share? Send a picture, along with all the details to: and we’ll post it right here.
799 for Jordan Kasza
Jordan Kasza shot her highest series ever tonight in the Tuesday Mixed League out at Sheppard AFB, she shot 263, 259 and 277 for a 799 series. Great Bowling Jordan!
Got a high score or a notable achievement to share? Send a picture, along with all the details to: and we’ll post it right here. (Sent in by Kathy Duprey)
Team “Yank This” Receives National Award

Teams bowling the highest game or series nationwide in Men’s, Women’s and Mixed Divisions, between Aug. 1 and July 31, receive recognition upon the completion of the season from USBC.
We would like to congratulate Team “Yank This” of the Tuesday Mixed League at Sheppard AFB for receiving a National Team Award for their 2971 Scratch Team Series bowled last season.
Sheridan Allen Shoots First 200
Congratulations to Sheridan Allen on bowling a 211 at Village Bowl. This was her first game above 200 in the youth sanctioned league.
Got an honor score or a notable achievement to share? Send a picture, along with all the details to: and we’ll post it right here!